Начало » News » СITOPLAST® won the National Photography Competition in Merchandising, in "Nutritional Supplements and Medical Devices" category

СITOPLAST® won the National Photography Competition in Merchandising, in "Nutritional Supplements and Medical Devices" category

СITOPLAST® won the National Photography Competition in Merchandising, in

During the period 9th July to 20th September 2012 was the Second National Photography Competition in Merchandising, organized by Re Ekze, where Medica participated. In the competition for the prestigious award were presented displays, regales, cash zones and other activated sale points.


The displays of Medica – Citoplast, occupied the entire "Nutritional Supplements and Medical Devices" category, winning the first three places. The winners were distinguished by the vote of a panel of expert managers in sales and marketing, and Medica AD was represented by Laura Stefanova, Head of Medical Devices.

For absolute winner with the most collected points were distinguished Pringles Chips, with an attractive display area collected 1,562 points, also leaders in the "Positioning - second points” category.

In late October, the team of Medical Devices Department of Medica received from the organizers a plaque, certificates and training vouchers.