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Medica – a sponsor of the final first aid competition!

Medica – a sponsor of the final first aid competition! On 22nd May 2013 in the garden in front of the NPC was held the final stage of the Metropolitan competitive survey on rendering first aid, organized by the Bulgarian Red Cross.

The survey involved teams of students from 6th and 9th grade, who won the first place at the regional surveys. The competition went through several stages at which the students faced different situations requiring urgent actions, and was assessed their preparedness, flexibility and adequate reaction. A special Jury of doctors and medical experts evaluated the teams.

To all the participants Medica made presents, including first aid kits for burns, hats and jotters with Medica logo.
At the event Medica received special thanks for the donation – both by the management of the capital organization of the Bulgarian Red Cross, and by the central leadership and the participants in the survey.